IT Services.

Get reliable and efficient helpdesk support for all your technical needs.

Helpdesk Technician Sitting down at his desk helping a client
Helpdesk Technician Sitting down at his desk helping a client

Our managed services work as tools for you to use to keep your devices secure and life easier.

We offer after hours support for professionals and Individuals

person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro
Helpdesk technician smiling on his computer while helping people.
Helpdesk technician smiling on his computer while helping people.

About Us

We offer remote support for jobs we think may not need to be done in the shop. Including a basic service package including a Password Manager.

Our helpdesk support is comprehensive and reliable. Submit a ticket below and you can expect a call from a technician around 5:30 - 9:30. Fill out this form with your questions or ticket and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Our Helpdesk Service fees are Billed per minute of remote session at $50 an hour.

Contact Us

Contact us for Help-Desk support and assistance

+1 613-403-0349

Hours of Operation

5:30PM-9:30PM On Weekdays

12:00PM - 4:00PM on Weekends